How to Invest in Real Estate - Woopa Holdings

How to Invest in Real Estate

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One investment opportunity that Israelis love is real estate. In reality, they  have very limited knowledge on the subject, though this is improving all the  time. Not everyone is a real estate expert, and we can’t always know if the  information we have is correct or not. Real estate is a profession!  

As in every profession, there are some untrustworthy characters who have no  real intention of investing the money they receive, but most real estate  professionals are not like this at all. We have put together some useful ideas  that almost every investor will find practical and useful: 

  1. Get a detailed report of the cost of the investment. Before you make  the investment, what are the costs and expenses necessary to  complete the deal that you are entering into? Many investors do not  check these details, and this can be reckless on their part. 
  2. Search for a variety of recent sales that have been completed in the  area of the property investment before you purchase it. This is very  important as it will give you a strong indication whether the price that  you are paying for the property is close to the market price. 
  3. Only transfer money for disbursement via a trust account. Many  investors endanger themselves by transferring their money directly to  the fund manager or the investment group’s manager and are  unaware that the way to ensure the greatest security for their money is  to transfer it via their attorney’s trust account. The investor’s attorney 

holds the outstanding money in their trust account until the property is  actually acquired. The attorney will transfer the money only when there  are no outstanding impediments to the purchase and the property is  free of liens, debts and foreclosures.  

  1. Ensure that the property is registered properly. When purchasing any apartment, house or building in Israel, the buyer or fund partner should  request to see the property’s records (Tabu) in advance to ensure that  the registration has been properly recorded and indexed after  completion, with the name or the legal entity of the buyer listed.  Likewise, when purchasing a property in the USA, there are property  records (deeds) which should be requested and provided to the buyer.  If you are investing in a property as a partner in a company or a real  estate-owning fund, be sure that you are a member of the group  registered and recorded in the public records property register, and  that the registered property is owned by the company. These two  actions will ensure that you have a high level of protection as the title is  registered as your property. 
  2. Request to see the lease agreement signed on your behalf by the  management company that made the investment and purchased the  property.  

6. Request to receive reports from the management company. All  expenses and income from the property should be detailed in the  report, including the monthly/quarterly/annual income, as well as the  fixed and variable costs and expenses of the property.


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